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The following people were booked into the Lee County-Tupelo Adult Jail in connection with felony charges ending Tuesday at 11 a.m.
Willie Rines, 53, of Vina, Alabama, was arrested by the Lee County Sheriff’s Office, possession of methamphetamine, possession of a weapon by a felon.
The following reports were filed Tuesday by the Lee County Sheriff's Office.
A man said he was in the process of moving from a shed on a County Road 506 Shannon property. While getting his stuff, he got into an argument with the land owner because the man couldn’t clean the property in one day.
A County Road 373 Shannon man said his ex-girlfriend’s new boyfriend has been harassing him by phone, text and on social media. The suspect is trying to get him to fight.
A County Road 1754 Tupelo man got into an argument with his wife over their finances. She wanted him to give her money for gas and cigarettes. He said he was trying to go to bed.
A County Road 1201 Plantersville man said his wife came to his mother’s house to pick up children’s clothes. He walked outside to give her the items, since his mother did not want her in the house. The wife jerked open the locked screen door yelling that she wanted a television. He tried to give her one television, but she took another one. An 18-year-old male with the wife tried to push his way inside but the mother stopped him. When the mother called 911 the wife and the young male left.
A woman, 19, said she was driving down County Road 31 near County Road 1752 when a male acquaintance, 40, threw an unknown object at her car breaking the windshield.
A County Road 185 Shannon woman said her dogs brought home a bone from somewhere. She said there is a cattle farm across the road, but she wanted to report it to be safe. The responding deputy said it was a cow bone.
A Mitchell Road man said he started talking to a girl. When he found out she was dating someone, he backed away and blocked her on all social media platforms. She still broke up with the other guy. He said the other guy is now harassing and threatening him through the girl. He just wants to be left alone. He doesn’t know the other guy and just met the girl.
A County Road 1303 Guntown woman, 29, and her husband, 35, separated a week ago after she told him she had cheated. He originally told her she could come back Monday, but called her and said she could not come home because she was seen in Baldwyn with another man.
The following reports were filed Tuesday by the Tupelo Police Department.
Police stopped a car in the area of Robert Kennedy Drive and Willie Moore Road because they knew the driver was unlicensed and the car was uninsured from a previous stop. The passenger was released to his mother. The 18-year-old driver was carried to the Lee County Jail.
A South Gloster Street business said two homeless men got into a fight around 4 a.m. and started throwing rocks at each other. The airborne projectiles shattered two windows.
A Lowe’s manager said a man walked into the store in June, loaded a cart with electrical wire and walked out. He has video of the theft. He said the suspect has been stealing from Lowe’s stores in New Albany and Memphis for about three years.
A man said he took the Main Street exit off of Highway 45. A man driving a Toyota Camry was speeding and slammed into the back of his Ford Transit work van. He pulled over to check the damage. The other driver kept going and did not stop. The impact damaged the rear bumper and the rear door of the van doesn’t want to open now.
A Lockridge Street man said overnight, someone stole his 27-inch Schwinn bicycle from the back porch of his unit.
Anyone with information on any of these crimes is urged to call the Lee County Sheriff's Office at 841-9041, the Tupelo Police Department at 841-6491 or Crime Stoppers of Northeast Mississippi at (800) 773-TIPS or download the P3 Tip App and leave an anonymous tip that way.
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